Barry Seal

Barry Seal in on the Road

  • 6 yıl önce
  • 7Dakika
  • 1346Sözcük
  • 100Görüntülenme

If It Snows on the Mountains You’ve Trusted…[i]  Fairly, a hope turned green inside us when Barry Seal which labeled a dramatic issue in a sarcastic way came to the theaters as we were extremely bored of the movies that were fancy and filled with visual effects. Establishing a bond with Escobar and trying to beat out a nostalgic rhythm by going to the year 1980, the film reveals what were over and done with in the past of Southern America.

Tom Cruise who was sweating to affect the audience on the silver screen for a long time, returned to self again with his last movie “Barry Seal”. Caught a remarkable success with the movie “Top Gun” in 1986, Tom Cruise is carrying the old days to today as if he was a pilot coming out the movie Top Gun by making the audience breathe retro air in the movie “Barry Seal”. The movie telling the struggle given by the navy pilot Pete Mitchell (Maverick) to win the Top Gun honor award is one of the films monitoring Tom Cruise’s bloom of youth the best. Although we are meeting an aged Tom Cruise in the movie Barry Seal, Cruise who was at his best is giving the audience the message “Fasten your seatbelts!” with his sound acting and demonstrativeness. Both Pablo Escobar who was regarded as the godfather of drug cartels ( and Barry Seal who worked for CIA (weapons smuggling) are piloting and smuggling. The biggest thing for Barry Seal is to have a narrow escape from everywhere!


Barry Seal whose name was mentioned in tv serial “Narcos” about the life of drug smuggler Pablo Escobar, is an aviator who was famous in piloting… As we missed much seeing the movies handling and transferring to the audience without boring them the real stories for a long time in the theaters, it was to the point for the movie Barry Seal to spring to life on the silver screen.

Briefly, action that was dimmed with situation comedy is ironically reflected to the story by Tom Cruise, and along with this, comedy spirit is saved and not exaggerated; these enhance our sympathy to the film. As it was said that reality wasn’t bought in cinema today, outstanding phrase, entertaining scenes and colorful editing of Barry Seal which carried the feature of being a documentary-like and biographic movie furnished with smart maneuvers is impressing the audience. It’s being a specific movie is conducting it to be watched with pleasure.

Providing us to see through CIA, Barry Seal which winked at corruption, retrogression and derailment events, and nearly recaptured a portrait with its scenes reflected as they were shot in ‘70s, is revealing that America appealed many ways in ‘80s. They included illegal ways, too! Strange man Schafer who stated that he worked for CIA trying to sweep some secrets revealed about Barry Seal in press, is commanding dangerous games through becoming close with Barry Seal.

Schafer who knew well how to hunt is trying to reach the target he wanted through baits to account and by this means he is collecting information about Pablo Escobar and the ones cooperating with him. Most probably the movie “Catch Me If You Can” can come into your mind while watching chilling life of Barry Seal who didn’t follow social rules, and self-ordained lived independent from others… Proving that he was a little arrogant, a little egoist, and also a little megalomaniac, Barry Seal who constantly kept on telling the sentence “in any case i will make away with and you’ll have nothing to do” is inviting the audience to an unmatched adventure with roller-coaster. We feel dizzy from the beginning to the end of the movie.

The most important feature of the movie telling illegal drug trade, great misery, the situation South America (and America) was in, and that the lives of millions of people were burned is its stylized atmosphere, scenic places and its emplacing them into the action…

Along with remarking drug problem which was going bad to worse, Doug Liman who directed successful movies like “Jason Bourne”“Edge of Tomorrow” is revealing the fields Colombia planted drugs, and then Medellin Cartel is stepping in. Giving the signals that he shooted an independent film, Liman is taking a journey to the past through pictures and videos he put between the sequences.

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